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Welcome to Majority of Fools Rules !!


Who Are We?


We are a straight married couple in a close and dedicated walk with Jesus.


After he rose he appeared to his disciples, telling them to wait for the coming of his Spirit-anointing when they would be endowed with Power from on High. That experience we know as the in-filling of the very Spirit of God and Spirit of Jesus. Coming to empower us to great works in his name.


"Truly, truly, I say to you, whoever believes in me will also do the works I do; and greater works will he do, because I am going to the Father." John 14:12


The first believers used the term "The Way" to describe their faith. We do not believe in any religion as more than a glorified country club of members with dues to pay whoever runs the shows and hosts the performances.


The Church of Jesus is people. People who believe and obey his message. There are no walls or windows because it is not a building where people gather to sing and listen to preaching. The real Church is a place of being and place of heart.


"There is neither Jew nor Gentile, neither slave nor free, nor is there male or female, for you are all one in Christ Jesus." The Apostle Paul / Galatians 3:28



What is our Purpose?


Our purpose is to expose just how fast a seemingly sane world can go crazy right before your eyes. And before you know it, the "Majority" of voices in positions of power or organized groups of immoral people take over.


It's not right. It's totally wrong and the present US government is your worst enemy behind it all doing it to you. You were sold out from-within a long time ago and more recently by the fixed Trump MAGA Victory election, swapped for the Biden/Harris Steal.


We are here to remind you how fast the wrong majority can take over this world. Because it is already happening right now. We want to inspire you to take a stand and make a stand now. Wherever you are, however you can do it for The Way of Jesus.


We want to encourage you to hold your ground until the Anti-Christ takes over and as-it-is-written, for one hour defeats the holy people. Just before the imminent return of the Lord Jesus and the holy people's full revenge is at hand to overthrow this Anti-Christ Beast System with our Lord Jesus.



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